6 research outputs found

    Brain structure in different psychosis risk groups in the Northern Finland 1986 Birth Cohort

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    We tested the hypothesis that family risk for psychosis (FR) and clinical risk for psychosis (CR) are associated with structural brain abnormalities, with increased deficits in those at both family risk and clinical risk for psychosis (FRCR). The study setting was the Oulu Brain and Mind Study, with subjects drawn from the Northern Finland 1986 Birth Cohort (n = 9479) using register and questionnaire based screening, and interviews using the Structured Interview for Prodromal Symptoms. After this procedure, 172 subjects were included in the study, classified as controls (n = 73) and three risk groups: FR excluding CR (FR, n = 60), CR without FR (CR, n = 26), and individuals at both FR and CR (FRCR, n = 13). T1-weighted brain scans were acquired and processed in a voxel-based analysis using permutation-based statistics. In the comparison between FRCR versus controls, we found lower grey matter volume (GMV) in a cluster (1689 voxels at − 4.00, − 72.00, − 18.00 mm) covering both cerebellar hemispheres and the vermis. This cluster was subsequently used as a mask to extract mean GMV in all four groups: FR had a volume intermediate between controls and FRCR. Within FRCR there was an association between cerebellar cluster brain volume and motor function. These findings are consistent with an evolving pattern of cerebellar deficits in psychosis risk with the most pronounced deficits in those at highest risk of psychosis

    Brain structure in different psychosis risk groups in the Northern Finland 1986 Birth Cohort

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    We tested the hypothesis that family risk for psychosis (FR) and clinical risk for psychosis (CR) are associated with structural brain abnormalities, with increased deficits in those at both family risk and clinical risk for psychosis (FRCR). The study setting was the Oulu Brain and Mind Study, with subjects drawn from the Northern Finland 1986 Birth Cohort (n = 9479) using register and questionnaire based screening, and interviews using the Structured Interview for Prodromal Symptoms. After this procedure, 172 subjects were included in the study, classified as controls (n = 73) and three risk groups: FR excluding CR (FR, n = 60), CR without FR (CR, n = 26), and individuals at both FR and CR (FRCR, n = 13). T1-weighted brain scans were acquired and processed in a voxel-based analysis using permutation-based statistics. In the comparison between FRCR versus controls, we found lower grey matter volume (GMV) in a cluster (1689 voxels at − 4.00, − 72.00, − 18.00 mm) covering both cerebellar hemispheres and the vermis. This cluster was subsequently used as a mask to extract mean GMV in all four groups: FR had a volume intermediate between controls and FRCR. Within FRCR there was an association between cerebellar cluster brain volume and motor function. These findings are consistent with an evolving pattern of cerebellar deficits in psychosis risk with the most pronounced deficits in those at highest risk of psychosis

    Verkko-opiskelumateriaali biokemian perusopintoihin

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    Projektiluonteisen opinnäytetyömme tilaajana on Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun bioanalytiikan tutkinto-ohjelma. Opinnäytetyömme tuloksena laadittu tuote on bioanalyytikko-opiskelijoille suunnattu verkko-opiskelumateriaali biokemian perusopintoihin lähiopetuksen tueksi. Verkkomateriaali sisältää perustietoa solujen biomolekyyleistä, DNA:sta, RNA:sta ja geeneistä sekä metaboliasta. Lisäksi materiaalissa on erilaisia tehtäviä ja tenttejä, joilla voi kartoittaa omaa osaamistaan. Verkkomateriaalille on selkeä tarve tutkinto-ohjelmassamme, sillä biokemian kurssi on haastava, resurssien vuoksi luentoja ei ole kovin paljon ja perustiedot tulisi olla hallussa jatko-opintoja ajatellen. Opinnäytetyössämme syvensimme sekä omaa biokemian tietämystämme, että verkko-opiskelumateriaalin laadintaa ja verkkopedagogiikkaa koskevaa tietoperustaamme. Verkkomateriaalin laatimisen aloitimme kartoittamalla biokemian perusopintojen opetussuunnitelman mukaisia kriteerejä osaamistavoitteista ja sisällöstä. Päädyimme toteuttamaan verkko-opiskelumateriaalimme kurssimuotoisena Moodle -alustalle (Modular object-oriented dynamic learning enviroment). Keräsimme palautetta alemman vuosikurssin opiskelijoilta, joilla verkko-opiskelumateriaali oli testikäytössä biokemian perusteiden –kurssin aikana syksyllä 2016. Opinnäytetyöprosessin aikana saimme palautetta myös ohjaavilta opettajilta sekä vertaisarvioijina toimineelta bioanalytiikan opiskelijalta. Kirjallisen palautteen perusteella onnistuimme verkkokurssin luomisessa. Vastaajista suurimmalla osalla biokemian tietämys oli vähäistä tai sitä oli jonkin verran. Lähes kaikki olivat sitä mieltä, että verkkokurssi edisti heidän biokemian oppimistaan ja he pystyivät hyödyntämään sitä lähiopetuksen tukena. Oppimateriaalit olivat vastaajien mielestä monipuolisesti esitetty ja jokaisen vastaajan mukaan sisältö oli selkeä ja helposti ymmärrettävä. Verkkomuotoinen tuote on helposti päivitettävissä ja se voidaan muokata kokonaan verkossa suoritettavaksi opintojaksoksi. Verkkomateriaali luo mahdollisuuksia sekä tuotteen tilaajalle, että opiskelijoille tarjoamalla vaihtoehdon monimuotoiseen opiskeluun.Our project-based bachelor’s thesis was commissioned by Oulu University of Applied Sciences School of Degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science. The final product of our bachelor’s thesis is an e-learning material of biochemistry basic studies in support of classroom teaching for biomedical laboratory science degree students. The e-learning material contains essential information about the biomolecules of cells, DNA, RNA, genes and metabolism. In addition, the material includes a lot of different tasks, assignments and exams, which makes easy to measure your own skills. There is a clear demand for this e-learning material because the basic course of biochemistry is challenging, a number of lectures is too small and basic information should be held by post-graduate studies in mind. In our thesis we expanded our knowledge of biochemistry and knowledge-based of virtual pedagogy and how to prepare of e-learning material. The basis of the e-learning material is a criteria and learning outcomes in the curriculum. We carried out the e-learning material Moodle –platform (Modular object-oriented dynamic learning enviroment). We collected feedback from our product’s target group (students). During the thesis process we also received some valuable feedback from our supervisors and opponent who was also student in the biomedical laboratory science programme. According to the feedback we received, the e-learning material was deemed useful, considered to be clear and helpful with the students’ self-learning. It is easy to upgrade and edit the e-material if necessary. Additionally, web-based learning material creates possibilities both for the degree programme as well as the students as it offers an alternative to classical lecture-based learning. E- learning is totally self-directed learning so it might offer a better alternative to lectures and less interactive learning environments

    Brain white matter structure, body mass index and physical activity in individuals at risk for psychosis:the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 Study

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    Abstract Recognition of individuals at highest risk for psychosis is challenging and no definitive biomarkers are yet available. Physical illnesses associated with a sedentary lifestyle are common in patients with severe mental illness. Both, bodyweight and risk for psychosis are associated with brain white matter (WM) abnormalities. There are several dysregulated pathways which are common in psychiatric illnesses and weight-related processes, but it is not known how weight and vulnerability for psychosis interact in the brain. The present study examines brain WM microstructure and its association to body mass index (BMI) in young adults with a familial risk for psychosis (FR). In addition, the level of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in individuals vulnerable to psychosis was examined. Participants of the present study are members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986. Two separate clinical substudies were conducted. The first having been done when the participants were at age 15–16. At that time, physical activity was defined by postal questionnaire (n=6,987) and cardiorespiratory fitness was measured by a submaximal cycle ergometer test (n=4,803). Risk for psychosis was viewed from three perspectives, with possible overlap between groups: having familial risk for psychosis, existing prodromal symptoms at age 15–16, and development of hospital treated psychosis between the ages of 16 and 20 years. The latter substudy was conducted when the participants were aged between 20 and 25 years. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed on 108 participants. Our study showed that there was no difference in WM microstructure between FR and control groups suggesting that WM abnormalities are not a genetic feature for risk of psychosis in all populations. However, the association between BMI and WM microstructure differed significantly between the FR and control groups. We also demonstrated that the level of physical activity was lower before the onset of psychotic illness. Therefore, these results imply that it would be of great importance to consider weight and physical activity levels in subjects at risk for psychosis, in order to avoid the detrimental effects of a sedentary lifestyle on overall health.Tiivistelmä Korkeimmassa psykoosiriskissä olevien tunnistaminen on haastavaa, eikä kunnollisia biomarkkereita ole käytettävissä. Vähäiseen liikunta-aktiivisuuteen liitetyt fyysiset sairaudet ovat yleisiä vakavaa mielenterveyshäiriötä sairastavilla. Sekä kehonpaino että psykoosialttius on yhdistetty aivojen valkean aineen rakenteen poikkeavuuksiin. Useat kehon säätelymekanismien poikkeavuudet liittyvät sekä psykiatrisiin sairauksiin että painoon liittyviin prosesseihin, mutta ei ole olemassa tutkimustietoa siitä, miten paino ja psykoosialttius vaikuttavat yhdessä aivojen rakenteeseen. Tässä osajulkaisuväitöskirjassa tutkitaan aivojen valkean aineen mikrorakennetta nuorilla aikuisilla, jotka ovat sukuriskissä sairastua psykoosiin, sekä painon vaikutusta valkean aineen rakenteeseen psykoosiriskissä. Lisäksi tutkitaan psykoosialttiiden nuorten liikunta-aktiivisuutta ja kuntoa. Tutkittavat kuuluvat Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1986 syntymäkohorttiin. Kaksi osatutkimusta toteutettiin, joista aikaisempi kliininen tutkimus tutkittavien ollessa 15–16-vuotiaita. Tuolloin selvitettiin liikunta-aktiivisuus postikyselyn avulla (n=6,987) ja aerobinen kunto mittaamalla hapenottokyky polkupyöräergometrilla (n=4,803). Psykoosialttiutta tarkasteltiin kolmella tavalla, ja ryhmien välillä esiintyi osittaista päällekkäisyyttä: sukurasitus, 15–16 v. iässä raportoidut psykoosinkaltaiset oireet ja sairaalahoitoon johtanut psykoosi 16–20 v. iässä. Toinen kliininen osatutkimus toteutettiin tutkittavien ollessa 20–25-vuotiaita. Tutkimuksen yhteydessä tehtiin aivojen diffuusiotensorikuvaus 108 osallistuneelle. Aivojen valkean aineen mikrorakenteessa ei havaittu eroa sukuriskissä olevien ja kontrollien välillä viitaten siihen, että poikkeavuudet valkean aineen rakenteessa eivät olisi psykoosiriskin geneettinen piirre kaikissa populaatioissa. Havaitsimme kuitenkin, että assosiaatio painoindeksin ja valkean aineen rakenteen välillä oli erilainen sukuriski- ja kontrolliryhmissä. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että liikunta-aktiivisuus on alentunut jo ennen psykoosisairauden puhkeamista. Psykoosiriskissä olevien liikuntatottumuksiin ja painoon tulisi kiinnittää erityistä huomiota jo varhaisessa vaiheessa elimellisten sairauksien ehkäisemiseksi

    Twenty Years of Schizophrenia Research in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966: A Systematic Review

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    Birth cohort designs are useful in studying adult disease trajectories and outcomes, such as schizophrenia. We review the schizophrenia research performed in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC 1966), which includes 10,934 individuals living in Finland at 16 years of age who have been monitored since each mother’s mid-pregnancy. By the age of 44, 150 (1.4%) had developed schizophrenia. There are 77 original papers on schizophrenia published from the NFBC 1966. The early studies have found various risk factors for schizophrenia, especially related to pregnancy and perinatal phase. Psychiatric and somatic outcomes were heterogeneous, but relatively poor. Mortality in schizophrenia is high, especially due to suicides. Several early predictors of outcomes have also been found. Individuals with schizophrenia have alterations in brain morphometry and neurocognition, and our latest studies have found that the use of high lifetime doses of antipsychotics associated with these changes. The schizophrenia research in the NFBC 1966 has been especially active for 20 years, the prospective study design and long follow-up enabling several clinically and epidemiologically important findings. When compared to other birth cohorts, the research in the NFBC 1966 has offered also unique findings on course and outcome of schizophrenia